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district line中文是什么意思

用"district line"造句"district line"怎么读"district line" in a sentence"district line"的同义词


  • 敦地地方
  • 伦敦地铁地方线


  • According to the proposed plan , by 2010 , the railway network will have a total length of 160 km comprising 4 district lines and 1 sub - region line
  • Shenzhen district line 1 will connect with the kowloon and canton railway corporation s ( kcrc ) east rail at lo wu station whilst shenzhen district line 4 is planned to connect with kcrc spur line at lok ma chau
  • Nothing can be done about this because the supreme court ruled in 1974 , in milliken v bradley , that desegregation cannot be required across school district lines , even if it is compulsory within them
用"district line"造句  


  • the boundary between two districts

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